A few things have happened this week that have helped me get my head around our current way of life. One thing for certain is that we have all had our own individual experience of lockdown and change will now happen at our own unique pace. I hope Pilates By Physiotherapy will continue to provide services to meet everyone’s needs. Strength, Balance and Peace of mind are certainly as important now as they ever were so I hope you will keep Pilates as part of your life.
The end of the school year was always a happy time in our house. I feel for those who have missed Proms, Leavers Assemblies, Sports Days and all the other fun that goes on at this time of year. I know many of you will feel relieved that Home Schooling can be put away. Listening to colleagues trying to balance work with not many summer sports clubs, husbands working away or working from home and no grand parents able to help out I feel lucky my main concern is keeping Pilates alive!!
I really enjoyed doing Zoom from the garden on Friday. When my brain is overwhelmed with guidelines its lovely to be able to turn to the real work of delivering classes to cheer myself up. Archie hasn’t learnt to sit by my mat yet although he did enjoy sitting on it at
the end of the class and was actually asleep by the time I had tidied up !!
I forget that participants have not got the same view as I have on Zoom. I can see everyone very clearly so by the end of
the session I feel I have had contact with everyone in the class. I manged to get the client with the last poorly positioned device corrected this week so I now have no views of ceilings …..job satisfaction !! If you are missing the chatter from the classes or can’t quite get round to finishing a video I would strongly recommend trying Zoom (free trial class). I noticed even the Queen was on Zoom this week!!
Mike has been busy painting the Treatment room this week. That’s a job I have wanted to do for ages so decided we had no real excuse not to get it done now…….except that Mike definitely dislikes painting!!!
My brain has simply hurt this week with the enormous volume of information and lack of clarity in the large number of guidelines we have to follow to open up for Face to face Physiotherapy treatment. I'm pleased to say that we are on track for opening up for Face to Face Physiotherapy on 27th July.
Current Social Distancing guidelines means numbers allowed into a class in the studio will be dramatically reduced.
One of the main things I have learnt since March is to make the most of what you can do at the moment and the future will unfold. I feel very privileged to be part of our Pilates Community and I hope we all continue to feel the benefits of Pilates in our lives.
Please do get in touch if I can do anything to help improve your Pilates experience.
Take Care
Thank you for your positive feedback I am delighted so many of you are feeling the benefits of Pilates. Your feedback means a huge amount to me. I can see from ZOOM how much the Zoomers (as we call you in our house ) are getting from those sessions but its still nice to hear a bit more from you too. I'm sure the people doing the videos are working hard too so I thank you all for your support and commitment anne